Saturday, October 6, 2007

Provincial Election 2007 - the NEW amazing race!!!

Well, in less than a week, it will be that time again...the time to vote!!!! Most years, I am all a flutter with the excitement of election time, with the thought of someone new being elected, and finally keeping their campaign promises, and leading us into a new era!!!! Unfortunately, every year, I am disappointed...and it seems, that this year will be no different. From what I've seen from the candidates (specifically Dalton McGuinty, John Tory and Howard Hampton), they're not concerned with many of the BIG issues out there. McGuinty and Tory seemed locked in the faith based schools discussion, while Hampton is concerned with showing the flaws in the McGuinty government. The more I read about these three candidates, the more confused I seem to get!!!! The election is on Wednesday, and I'm still uncertain who I will vote for!!! I will probably remain confused until I reach the polls, and then sit in the booth for so long a period of time, I will probably be forced to leave, regardless of if I've voted or not!!!! To me, so far, the Green party is starting to look appealing...they're the only ones that seemed concerned with the real issues! It's sad that no one seems to be taking them seriously (they were kicked out of the debate too, which I found unfair!) McGuinty, Tory and Hampton, seem to be concerned with making promises they can't keep, which is frustrating, because you know once you vote for them, more than have of what they're saying they'll do, they will not!!! So I suppose, any way you look at it, my vote is being lost! I'm either going to be voting for someone who won't listen to what is important to me, or I'm voting for someone who will never be elected!!! This is starting to seem like a lose-lose situation to me. Let's just hope that whoever we vote for, doesn't make us regret it some time down the road!!!

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